Who Am I?
I blog, but I am not a blogger.
I teach, but I am not a teacher.
I lead, but I am not a leader.
I minister, but I am not a minister.
So who am I?
That question has plagued me most of my life. A few years
ago, I finally got the point. Now I knew who I was. But over the years the
question comes back for some unknown reason. I know who I am intellectually but
that realization had left my heart. That deep down knowing had escaped with the
years and was replaced by the inevitable question. Who am I?
Our identity, or how we see ourselves, will often determine our
destiny. How we see ourselves is mostly determined by how others see and
respond to us. It is as if everyone we encounter has a mirror on their
forehead. As we look at them we see ourselves reflected back. The image we see
is what that person thinks of us. So everyone we meet provides some input to our
identity. And the more significant that person is to me the more of an impact he
has on who I am.

There is an alternative. When other people are most
significant to you, they control who you think you are and who you will become.
But when you make God first in your life, you are who The Lord sees in you. Your
identity comes not from human sources with imperfect eyesight, but from the one
who created you in the first place. He created you for a purpose. Many years
ago, I realized that I was a son of the almighty God and that was my identity.
When I dedicated my life to serving Him, the question persisted, “How do I best
serve Him.”
When our identity comes from how others perceive us, we
spend our time trying to please them. When our identity comes from God, we want
to please Him.
I am a child of the living God and a follower of Jesus
Christ. My role is to follow Him where ever He leads – whatever that is and wherever
that may lead. I no longer live to please men.
Galatians 1:10 (NIV) Am I now trying to win the
approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still
trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Being a Christian answers life's three primary questions:
ReplyDelete1. Where did I come from?
2. Why am I here?
#. Where I am going?