Supernatural Solutions to Your Problems
The Lord God can and will lead you to solutions to your most pressing problems for your business, your health, or your relationships. Just cry out for His help.
Psalm 34:17 (MSG) Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue you.
As the hatch opened we stepped into the large dark compartment. The noise of electrical and electronics systems was so loud we had to shout to be heard over the buzzing. Radar Room #1 on the USS Tarawa was an amazing and daunting sight. Mounted against each wall were racks of electronic equipment with other racks providing an equipment island in the middle of the room. Cables, cooling water pipes, and aluminum wave
guides filled the overhead and every space between racks.The contents of each rack was totally new to me. This was my first visit aboard a Navy combat ship. My experience was more with aircraft and missiles.
Fear grabbed at my heart. I was there to solve a major problem which had plagued the technicians and engineers for months. And I did not have a clue of what to do or where even to start. It was time to pray.
Fear grabbed at my heart. I was there to solve a major problem which had plagued the technicians and engineers for months. And I did not have a clue of what to do or where even to start. It was time to pray.
I had learned this prayer only weeks before, “Help!!!!!!”
As a child my family did not attend church and as a result
the Bible was not an influence in my early life. We called ourselves Christian,
believed in God, and tried to live a life worthy of the name. In the midst of
the Jesus Movement of the 1970’s, the gospel of Jesus Christ became real to me
and I began to read and study the Bible. While reading The Book of the Acts of
the Apostles, I noticed that God was still active in the lives of believers as
they struggled through difficulties. God was there to give them wisdom, knowledge
and direction to resolve all kinds of issues. Without a history of church
attendance I had missed the part about God not doing those things today. So I
just accepted miracles as a normal occurrence and began to devour C.S. Lewis
and other Christian books.
As an electronics engineer my work provided a variety of
interesting and intriguing problems and the
opportunity to work with aircraft,
missiles, and now large Navy ships. It was then a friend handed me a little
paperback book, titled, “How to Live Like a King’s Kid.” The author, Harold
Hill, had been an engineer at the Glen L Martin Aircraft Company in Baltimore.
(Now part of Lockheed-Martin, a major defense contractor.) Hill and I shared a few things in common – we were
both engineers and both worked for military contractors. As a result his
writings were of great interest to me.
In one of his books he described an event that changed my
world view instantly. Hill was a passenger
on an airliner heading back to
Baltimore when he noticed the aircraft circling in a holding pattern. He asked
what the problem might be, but none of the crew responded. So Hill began to
pray. As he prayed the Lord showed him a hose on the hydraulic system which lowers
the landing gear was leaking badly. This meant someone would have to crawl down
into the baggage compartment and lower the gear manually. Sure enough that
solution was attempted, but did not work.
Hill began to pray for God to stop the leak, and while
watching in his vision he saw the leak slow to a drip and then completely stop.
The Lord had fixed the airplane, and saved the passengers and crew from danger.
Ever since I read that account I believed that God could and would act on our
behalf - not only in spiritual things, but in the office, out in the field, and
where ever problems needed solutions.

This single incident is representative of literally hundreds
of problems resolved by the Lord’s revelation and intervention in my career in
engineering, business, and ministry.
Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) Let us
then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help us in our time of need.